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Solve crawler errors in webmaster tools

 Solve the crawler error problem

Today's topic is very important for webmasters in general when we find crawler errors in webmaster tools, and many of us think that it is a simple matter, but when you notice crawling errors in webmaster tools, we know very well that there is a problem within our site and it must be in this case and who It is necessary to fix this matter and do not underestimate this matter because this matter is very important as it may cause your site to be stopped and the search network to ignore your site.

Where are the problems that lead to crawler errors

Among these common problems that lead to crawler errors issue in webmaster tools comes custom bot file, also problems deleting threads after archiving them in google which causes 404 error which causes it to appear. One of the crawl errors, and there is also a huge mistake that many people do that they don't know about and it's a real disaster. I find a person copying content from a site and adding that saying or text directly inside his site, and this is a very big mistake because inside the text there are codes that hide the text that you don't see, but rather scares Google spiders and not recognizing them, which causes crawling to be ignored and errors appear.

Explanation of a solution to the crawler error problem

We go to Google search and type "webmaster tools" in the search engine,

As we can see in the picture in front of you.

Then go to the first search box that says "Google Search Console". You notice that your control panel or your site has opened. Go to the site that contains the crawler errors. so that we can solve the problem. . In the side menu, as we can see in the above image, but a red circle, we click on it and a pop-up window will appear at the bottom with some options, including the "Crawler Errors" option

Then scroll down a bit and you will notice that there is an error link in front of it, 404 error.

This error is fatal and most people know this error. It is wrong that Google bots crawl this link

. This problem may appear most of the time when we write a blog or water topic and publish it and after a week

The topic is removed. This is how Google crawls about it because it was archived before people come and go into this thread and they don't find it because it has been removed, but Google spiders are constantly crawling. This shows you in webmaster tools "Crawler Errors"

In order for you to be able to professionally solve this problem, you must follow these simple steps

. You have to click on each link you have as you can see in the image.

. You must specify after the aslash "/com" tag. It is located after the domain name as you can see in the image.

Copy the aslash tag as you can see.

Then we go to the "Google Index"

Then go to "Remove URL" and click "Hide Temporarily"

And we paste the link that we copied earlier and click continue

After you click continue, you will notice that the link has been added, then we go back to crawl errors again and click

On "mark it as repaired" as in the picture