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rgfsgsfdg 08 أغسطس 2023
Potential cash flows as foreign currency continues to be generated from oil The assets of sovereign wealth funds of the Gulf Cooperation Cou...
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Solve crawler errors in webmaster tools
rgfsgsfdg 16 مارس 2023
 Solve the crawler error problem Today's topic is very important for webmasters in general when we find crawler errors in webmaster tool...
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Buying the best in the world.. the price and specifications of 5 supercars in 2022
rgfsgsfdg 28 سبتمبر 2022
Ferari 296 GTB The 2022 Ferrari 296 GTB derives its superpowers from a 6-cylinder V6 engine, with a capacity of 2.9 liters, generating 654 h...
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JPMorgan: Bitcoin production cost could drop to $13,000 per unit
rgfsgsfdg 14 يوليو 2022
 JPMorgan: Bitcoin production cost could drop to $13,000 per unit  The cost of producing Bitcoin has fallen from about $24,000 at the beginn...
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Gold prices today
rgfsgsfdg 14 يوليو 2022
 Gold prices today  Instability and extreme volatility recorded by the price of gold globally, with a decline in gold prices today, Thursd...
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The dollar index achieves a record level and exceeds the peak of 2020
rgfsgsfdg 14 يوليو 2022
 The dollar index achieves a record level and exceeds the peak of 2020  The dollar index rose to an all-time high, past the peak of the Coro...
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Oil prices recorded 117.35 dollars for Brent and 111.29 dollars for US crude
rgfsgsfdg 30 يونيو 2022
  Oil prices recorded 117.35 dollars for Brent and 111.29 dollars for US crude   Today, Wednesday, oil prices recorded 117.35 dollars per ba...
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